
The technique we use to model recursive data throughout skeuomorph is called recursion schemes. Recursion schemes allows us to model our data as non recursive and substitute direct recursion by a call to a type parameter in the declaration.

One of the techniques that we use from recursion schemes is microoptimizations. We’re able to transform ASTs by just describing the optimization we want as a function, and the library provides mechanisms to apply that function to the AST correctly. Let’s see namedTypes as an example:


We found that when we wanted to render a schema to its string representation and the schema had nested product types, the rendering was not correct because it was printing the definition of the product everywhere:

case class Product(field1: String, field2: case class OtherField())
// see how this is not valid scala code, it should be:

case class Product(field1: String, field2: OtherField)

We solve this by substituting nested product types by its name when they’re inside a product themselves. And we do this with the namedTypes combinator (in skeuomorph.mu.Optimize):

def nestedNamedTypesTrans[T](implicit T: Basis[MuF, T]): Trans[MuF, MuF, T] = Trans {
  case TProduct(name, namespace, fields, np, nc) =>
    def nameTypes(f: Field[T]): Field[T] = f.copy(tpe = namedTypes(T)(f.tpe))
    TProduct[T](name, namespace, fields.map(nameTypes), np, nc)
  case other => other

def namedTypesTrans[T]: Trans[MuF, MuF, T] = Trans {
  case TProduct(name, ns, _, _, _) => TNamedType[T](ns.toList, name)
  case TSum(name, _)               => TNamedType[T](Nil, name)
  case other                       => other

def namedTypes[T: Basis[MuF, *]]: T => T       = scheme.cata(namedTypesTrans.algebra)
def nestedNamedTypes[T: Basis[MuF, *]]: T => T = scheme.cata(nestedNamedTypesTrans.algebra)

and then apply the namedTypes combinator to the AST:

def ast = Mu(TNull[Mu[MuF]]())

val optimization = Optimize.namedTypes[Mu[MuF]]
// optimization: Mu[MuF] => Mu[MuF] = <function1>

// res0: Mu[MuF] = Default(fmf = TNull())