
Currently in skeuomorph there are schemas defined for different cases:

Schema conversions

from\to Avro Protobuf mu
Avro     avro.transCata(fromAvro)
Protobuf     protobuf.transCata(fromProtobuf)
mu mu.transCata(fromMu) mu.transCata(fromMu)  

Schema Incompatibilities

Currently, Skeuomorph only supports proto3 compliance, and the recommended approach when using skeuomorph with mu is to use proto3 for all gRPC communications. While it is still possible to generate valid Scala code from a proto2 spec, Skeuomorph will not generate case classes for optional fields. For example, given a hello.proto schema that looks like this:

syntax = "proto2";

package src.main;

message SayHelloRequest {
  optional string name = 1;
message SayHelloResponse {
  optional string message = 1;

service HelloWorldService {
  rpc SayHello (SayHelloRequest) returns (SayHelloResponse) {}

Skeuomorph (with mu and default plugin options) will generate the following Scala code:

object hello {

  final case class SayHelloRequest(name:
  final case class SayHelloResponse(message:

  @service(Protobuf, compressionType = Identity, namespace = Some("src.main"))
  trait HelloWorldService[F[_]] { 
    def SayHello(req: _root_.src.main.hello.SayHelloRequest): F[_root_.src.main.hello.SayHelloResponse] 

As you can see, even though the parameters for the proto2 schema are option strings, the generated code is of type String.