
In this section of the docs, to have a clearer understanding of how one would use mu-haskell to talk to a database, we are going to have a walk through the example of with-persistent.

First steps

We are going to start with our source of truth: the proto file.

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

package withpersistent;

message PersonRequest { int64 identifier = 1; }
message Person { PersonRequest pid = 1; string name = 2; int32 age = 3; }

service PersistentService {
  rpc getPerson (PersonRequest) returns (Person);
  rpc newPerson (Person) returns (PersonRequest);
  rpc allPeople (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream Person);

Maybe this example looks a bit contrived but bear with me, it covers a common use case when working with protobuf: that one of the messages has another message as its identifying key.

Defining our Schema

You are going to need to enable the following extensions:

{-# language DataKinds                  #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# language DerivingVia                #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# language GADTs                      #-}
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# language PolyKinds                  #-}
{-# language QuasiQuotes                #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# language StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# language TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# language TypeOperators              #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances       #-}

As we’ve seen in the rest of the docs, we define our own data types to mirror our protobuf schema:

grpc "PersistentSchema" id "with-persistent.proto"

newtype MPersonRequest = MPersonRequest
  { identifier :: Int64
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)

instance ToSchema   PersistentSchema "PersonRequest" MPersonRequest
instance FromSchema PersistentSchema "PersonRequest" MPersonRequest

data MPerson = MPerson
  { pid  :: Maybe MPersonRequest
  , name :: T.Text
  , age  :: Int32
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance ToSchema   PersistentSchema "Person" MPerson
instance FromSchema PersistentSchema "Person" MPerson

Remember that all the magic starts with that first grpc line! ✨

You might have noticed that this time, we are not using DeriveAnyClass, so we need to write the instances for ToSchema and FromSchema on a separate line from our deriving clause, and let GHC fill them for us. This decision was made due to a current bug in Persistent, but hopefully it will be fixed in future versions. 🙂

Integration with persistent

This is the bit that changes the most. Since we are interested in storing in our database only the Person entities, we are going to declare only that Entity using TemplateHaskell and persistent-template.

For our specific example we are going to integrate with persistent-sqlite, but feel free to use whatever database you prefer! 😉

import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Text               as T
import           Database.Persist.Sqlite
import           Database.Persist.TH

mkPersist sqlSettings [persistLowerCase|
Person json
  name T.Text
  age  Int32
  deriving Show Generic

Notice how we are deriving Generic also with Persistent’s QuasiQuotes.

Fixing the Id access issue

If you have worked with persistent before, you’ll know that it generates it’s own Ids, and this is very convenient. In our example, we’ll get for free a PersonId field which is what we want to get with our PersonRequest.

But, how to derive the correct instance of ToSchema that Mu needs to work it’s magic? How can we explicitly define this mapping?

We have created some utilities to help you integrate with Persistent in our mu-persistent package. One of such is WithEntityNestedId, you can use it along with DerivingVia to fit our needs:

type PersonFieldMapping
  = '[ "personAge" ':-> "age", "personName" ':-> "name" ]

deriving via (WithEntityNestedId "Person" PersonFieldMapping (Entity Person))
  instance ToSchema PersistentSchema "Person" (Entity Person)

Have in mind that we still need to define our own custom field mapping, in this case PersonFieldMapping so that the deriving via does its job properly.

Running a pool of database connections

Now let’s focus on the Server!

All you need to do is open the database once, and share the connection across all your services:

{-# language FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# language PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# language TypeApplications      #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies          #-}

module Server where

import           Control.Monad.Logger
import           Mu.GRpc.Server
import           Mu.Server

main :: IO ()
main =
  runStderrLoggingT $
    withSqliteConn @(LoggingT IO) "example.db" $ \conn ->
      liftIO $ runGRpcApp msgProtoBuf 8080 (server conn)

We have decided in this example to use LoggingT from monad-logger and runStderrLoggingT to get some basic database logs to the console for free, but this is not a must!

This actually does not work

Maybe you might have noticed that this example is not going to work yet. Unless you created example.db yourself, we need to define a “migration”. Migrations are not actually required by Persistent, they are just a simple way to get an Sqlite database up and running.

We need a small tweak in our Schema.hs:

- mkPersist sqlSettings [persistLowerCase|
+ share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase|
  Person json

And another one on our Server.hs:

main :: IO ()
main =
  runStderrLoggingT $
-   withSqliteConn @(LoggingT IO) "example.db" $ \conn ->
+   withSqliteConn @(LoggingT IO) "example.db" $ \conn -> do
+     runDb conn $ runMigration migrateAll
      liftIO $ runGRpcApp msgProtoBuf 8080 (server conn)

More on that strange runDb method in the next section! 😇

Sample usage with a service

All the pieces are now in place, let’s check the implementation of the allPeople service:

  :: SqlBackend
  -> ConduitT (Entity Person) Void ServerErrorIO ()
  -> ServerErrorIO ()
allPeople conn sink = runDb conn $
  runConduit $ selectSource [] [] .| liftServerConduit sink

As you can see, all the services need to be passed the SqlBackend connection as an argument.

Two interesting things we want to highlight here: we have provided a small helper called runDb, its implementation is quite simple and it exists due to developer ergonomics. We are basically saving you from writing lots of liftIO $ flip runSqlPersistM. 😉

The second one will be discussed in the next section.

On streams and Conduit

Since we are going to work with streams, it is wonderful that persistent also provides methods to work with Conduit like, for example, selectSource. However…

- ConduitM () (Entity Person) m ()               -- the Monad in which persistent operates
+ ConduitT (Entity Person) Void ServerErrorIO () -- the Monad we know we want instead... 🤔

Well, have no fear my friend because we created yet another utility called liftServerConduit, born specifically to address this problem. Its type signature is:

  :: MonadIO m
  => ConduitT a b ServerErrorIO r -> ConduitT a b m r

What is this type signature telling us? That is, we can turn any of the Conduits given as input, which work on the ServerErrorIO Monad from mu-rpc, into a Conduit working on another IO-like Monad. This is the case, in particular, of the Monad in which Persistent runs.

And that concludes our round-trip!

If you think that something is not clear or could be further improved, feel free to open an Issue or Pull Request! 😊