
We created a new package mu-optics is available from release v0.3 of Mu-Haskell, and provides an easier API to build both servers and clients using lenses and prisms (probably the ultimate API 😉). This document aims to be a reference of how to use this library and the common use cases for it.

Accessing fields with #field

When you want to refer to a method of your type-level schema, whereas in the server or the client, you can use the get operation from the lens (^.) in conjunction with the OverloadedLabels extension to access that field, as in this example. In this case, the label #name should have the same name as the field declared in the corresponding schema definition file.

{-# language OverloadedLabels #-}

sayHello :: MonadServer m => HelloRequestMessage' -> m HelloReplyMessage'
sayHello (HelloRequestMessage nm) = pure $ record ("hi, " <> nm ^. #name)

Generate records with record and record1

Sometimes you need to create values that match the generated type-level schema representations, for example, to construct the request of a certain service. Usually, those types will be records, and to help you achieve that task we provided the helpers record and record1:

get :: GRpcConnection PersistentService 'MsgProtoBuf -> String -> IO ()
get client idPerson = do
  let request = read idPerson
  putStrLn $ "GET: is there some person with id: " ++ idPerson ++ "?"
  response <- client ^. #getPerson $ record1 request -- <- using `record1` to create a request
  putStrLn $ "GET: response was: " ++ show response

Why the difference? Well, due to some ambiguity in the context of our Schemas, we need to help GHC to know if the record we’re creating contains only one field (record1) or more (record) contained in a tuple of elements.

This design might be improved in the future, by using “OneTuple to rule them all.”

add :: GRpcConnection PersistentService 'MsgProtoBuf -> String -> String -> IO ()
add client nm ag = do
  let person = record (Nothing, T.pack nm, read ag) -- <- using `record` to create Person, a more complex type
  putStrLn $ "ADD: creating new person " ++ nm ++ " with age " ++ ag
  response <- client ^. #newPerson person
  putStrLn $ "ADD: was creating successful? " ++ show response

Generating enums with enum

Sometimes, besides using records, you’ll have your types defined as something like enums, as in this protobuf example:

enum Weather {
  sunny = 0;
  cloudy = 1;
  rainy = 2;

As expected, we also provided you with the tools you need to construct a valid enum-like value with the helper enum:

{-# language TypeApplications #-}

import Mu.Schema
import Mu.Schema.Optics

type Weather = Term WeatherProtocol (WeatherProtocol :/: "Weather")

sunnyDays :: Int -> [Weather]
sunnyDays n = replicate n (enum @"sunny") -- <- see the magic here! ✨

Simply enable TypeApplications and provide the value you are looking for to construct the enum! 🚀

Accesing enums with prisms!

Following with the example above, if you need to read an enum value, you can do so using prisms!

{-# language OverloadedLabels #-}

getWeather :: Weather -> IO ()
getWeather e
  | e `is` #sunny  = putStrLn "is sunny! 😄"
  | e `is` #cloudy = putStrLn "is cloudy 😟"
  | e `is` #rainy  = putStrLn "is rainy... 😭"

Again, notice the use of OverloadedLabels to refer to the possible enum values and our special is prism helper, which is just is s k = isJust (preview k s), got it? isJust… badum tss! 🥁

Accessing unions

Besides this, you have _U0, _U1, … and _Next, with the goal of giving prisms for the different possibilities of a union. So, lets say you have a field that is an union of String and Int, you can get prisms using #field % _U0 and #field % _U1.

We know the naming of these might be terrible, but they follow the usual convention for this kind of stuff: _ for a prism, U from “Union” and then the index.