Using mu-schema
you can describe a schema for your data using type-level techniques. You can then automatically generate:
- conversion between your Haskell data types and the values as expected by the schema,
- serialization to Avro, Protocol Buffers, and JSON.
Since mu-schema
makes heavy use of type-level techniques, you need to open up the Pandora’s box by enabling (at least) the following extensions: PolyKinds
and DataKinds
Records and enumerations
Here is a simple schema which defines the schema types gender
, address
, and person
{-# language PolyKinds, DataKinds #-}
import Mu.Schema
import qualified Data.Text as T
type ExampleSchema
= '[ 'DEnum "gender"
'[ 'ChoiceDef "male"
, 'ChoiceDef "female"
, 'ChoiceDef "nb" ]
, 'DRecord "address"
'[ 'FieldDef "postcode" ('TPrimitive T.Text)
, 'FieldDef "country" ('TPrimitive T.Text) ]
, 'DRecord "person"
'[ 'FieldDef "firstName" ('TPrimitive T.Text)
, 'FieldDef "lastName" ('TPrimitive T.Text)
, 'FieldDef "age" ('TOption ('TPrimitive Int))
, 'FieldDef "gender" ('TOption ('TSchematic "gender"))
, 'FieldDef "address" ('TSchematic "address") ]
As you can see, a schema is just a list of schema types. Each of these types has a name and can either be an enumeration or a record.
- An enumeration defines a set of values that the type can take,
- A record contains a list of fields, each of them with a name and a field type. The allowed types for the fields are:
for primitive types such asInt
. Note that if you want to have a string you should not use theString
, but ratherText
to reference another type in the same schema by name.TOption
, andTUnion
are combinators for the field types.
Note that GHC requires all of DEnum
, DRecord
, FieldDef
, and so forth to be prefixed by a quote sign '
. This declares that we are working with promoted types (you do not have to understand what a promoted type is, but you need to remember to use the quote sign).
Defining a schema using Protocol Buffers
As discussed in the introduction, mu-schema
has been developed with some common schema formats in mind. Instead of writing the type-level schemas by hand, you can also import your Protocol Buffers schemas.
The idea is that your schema lives in an external file, so you can share it with other components of your system. To declare that we want the file to be pre-processed before compilation, we use a GHC feature called TemplateHaskell
, hence the initial line starting with language
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
import Mu.Quasi.ProtoBuf
protobuf "ExampleSchema" "path/to/file.proto"
That single line asks the compiler to generate a ExampleSchema
type which represents the schema from the given file. In addition, it also generates a mapping from fields to identifiers, as described below.
One word of warning: GHC reads the contents of the file in order, resolving TemplateHaskell
blocks when found. Only then the results are visible to the rest of the file. In particular, the protobuf
line should appear before any other code mentioning the ExampleSchema
Schemas part of services
If you use the grpc
function to import a gRPC .proto
file in the type-level, that function already takes care of creating an appropiate schema for all the messages. If you prefer to have different schemas for different subsets of messages (for example, aggregated by services), you can either:
- Write the schemas by hand,
- Split the definition file into several ones, and import each of them in its own
Limitations on primitive optionals
You should be aware of a limitation regarding optional values stated in the Protocol Buffers documentation:
Note that for scalar message fields, once a message is parsed there’s no way of telling whether a field was explicitly set to the default value (for example whether a boolean was set to
) or just not set at all: you should bear this in mind when defining your message types. For example, don’t have a boolean that switches on some behaviour when set tofalse
if you don’t want that behaviour to also happen by default. Also note that if a scalar message field is set to its default, the value will not be serialized on the wire.
That means that in a Protocol Buffers message it is not possible to have 'TOption ('TPrimitive p)
, since a lack of such a field means that the default value is to be used. In fact, Protocol Buffers implementations are expected to drop such values in order to save bandwidth. mu-protobuf
will try to help here, raising a warning in some cases in which default
is used.
Mapping Haskell types
These schemas become more useful once you can map your Haskell types to them. mu-schema
uses the generics mechanism built in GHC to automatically derive these mappings, asuming that you declare your data types using field names.
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
import GHC.Generics
data Address
= Address { postcode :: T.Text
, country :: T.Text }
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (ToSchema ExampleSchema "address")
deriving (FromSchema ExampleSchema "address")
Once again, you need to enable some extensions in the compiler (but do not worry, GHC should tell you which ones you need in case you forgot). You first must include Generic
in the list of automatically-derived classes. Then you derive the mapping by using the lines:
deriving (ToSchema YourSchema "yourSchemaType")
deriving (FromSchema YourSchema "yourSchemaType")
Customizing the mapping
Sometimes the names of the fields in the Haskell data type and the names of the fields in the schema do not match. For example, in our schema above we use male
, female
, and nb
, but in a Haskell enumeration the name of each constructor must begin with a capital letter. By using a standalone ToSchema
instance you can declare a custom mapping from Haskell fields or constructors to schema fields or enum choices, respectively:
{-# language DerivingVia #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
type GenderFieldMapping
= '[ "Male" ':-> "male"
, "Female" ':-> "female"
, "NonBinary" ':-> "nb" ]
data Gender = Male | Female | NonBinary
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (ToSchema ExampleSchema "gender", FromSchema ExampleSchema "gender")
via (CustomFieldMapping "gender" GenderFieldMapping Gender)
Protocol Buffers field identifiers
If you want to use (de)serialization to Protocol Buffers, you need to declare one more piece of information. A Protocol Buffer record or enumeration assigns both names and numeric identifiers to each field or value, respectively. If you use protobuf
or grpc
to import your Protocol Buffers schemas, this is done automatically for you.
supports extending the information of a schema by means of annotations. Annotations are linked to both a certain format (ProtoBufAnnotation
in this case) and a certain schema. Furthermore, annotations may range over the whole schema, a specific record or enumeration, or a specific field or choice. In the case of Protocol Buffers, we only need the latter:
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
import Mu.Adapter.ProtoBuf
type instance AnnotatedSchema ProtoBufAnnotation ExampleSchema
= '[ ...
, 'AnnField "address" "postcode" ('ProtoBufId 1)
, 'AnnField "address" "country " ('ProtoBufId 2)
, ... ]