SSL/TLS Encryption

From the gRPC authentication guide:

gRPC has SSL/TLS integration and promotes the use of SSL/TLS to authenticate the server and encrypt all the data exchanged between the client and the server. Optional mechanisms are available for clients to provide certificates for mutual authentication.

Mu allows you to encrypt the connection between the server and the client through SSL/TLS. The main goal of using SSL is to protect your sensitive information and to keep your data secure between servers and clients.

Netty transport

Mu allows you to choose the underlying transport layer you want to use for your gRPC servers and clients:

  • For the server you can use Netty, or the default transport provided by the gRPC Java library. (In reality the default transport will also be Netty, unless you have written your own io.grpc.ServerProvider implementation and added it to the classpath.)
  • For the client you can use Netty or OkHttp.

However, SSL/TLS encryption in Mu is currently only supported for servers and clients that use the Netty transport.


On the server and client side, we will need two files to configure the SslContext in gRPC:

  • Server/Client certificate file: Small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. This file could be generated or obtained from a third party.

  • Server/Client private key file: The private key is a separate file that is used in the encryption of data sent between your server and the clients. All SSL certificates require a private key to work.


The first step to secure our Mu services is to add the library dependencies mu-rpc-netty-ssl and mu-rpc-client-netty in our build.

For the second step, we have to move both server/client certificates and private keys to a place where they can be loaded at runtime, either from the filesystem or the classpath. However, these files contain secrets, so they should not be included in the project and committed to git.

If we haven’t yet generated or obtained our own certificates, we can test using certificates found here.

Server side

Let’s see a piece of code where we will explain line by line how to build a gRPC server with SSL encryption enabled.

We won’t cover the details of implementing the Greeter service or starting the gRPC server. You can find more information about these in the gRPC server and client tutorial.


import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import{AddService, GrpcConfig, GrpcServer}
import io.grpc.internal.testing.TestUtils
import io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts
import io.netty.handler.ssl.{ClientAuth, SslContext, SslProvider}

object ServerExample {

  given Greeter[IO] = new ServiceHandler[IO]

  // Load the certicate and private key files.

  val serverCertFile: File                         = TestUtils.loadCert("server1.pem")
  val serverPrivateKeyFile: File                   = TestUtils.loadCert("server1.key")
  val serverTrustedCaCerts: Array[X509Certificate] = Array(TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem"))

  // Build the SslContext, passing our server certificate, private key, and trusted certs.
  // Configure the server to use OpenSSL and require client authentication.

  val serverSslContext: SslContext =
        GrpcSslContexts.forServer(serverCertFile, serverPrivateKeyFile),
      .trustManager(serverTrustedCaCerts: _*)

  // Add the SslContext to the list of GrpConfigs.

  val grpcConfigs: Resource[IO, List[GrpcConfig]] =
       .map(c => List(SetSslContext(serverSslContext), c))

  // Important: we have to create the server with Netty.
  // This is the only server transport that supports SSL encryption.

  val server: Resource[IO, GrpcServer[IO]] = grpcConfigs.evalMap(GrpcServer.netty[IO](8080, _))


Client side

Similarly, let’s see how to create a gRPC client with encryption and client authentication.

import{NettyChannelInterpreter, NettyNegotiationType, NettySslContext}
import io.grpc.netty.NegotiationType

object ClientExample {

  // Load the certicate and private key files.

  val clientCertChainFile: File                    = TestUtils.loadCert("client.pem")
  val clientPrivateKeyFile: File                   = TestUtils.loadCert("client.key")
  val clientTrustedCaCerts: Array[X509Certificate] = Array(TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem"))

  // We have to create the SslContext for the client, like we did for the server.

  val clientSslContext: SslContext =
      .keyManager(clientCertChainFile, clientPrivateKeyFile)
      .trustManager(clientTrustedCaCerts: _*)

  // Important: the channel interpreter must be NettyChannelInterpreter.
  // We configure the channel interpreter to enable TLS and to use the SSL context we built.

  val channelInterpreter: NettyChannelInterpreter = new NettyChannelInterpreter(
    ChannelForAddress("localhost", 8080),

  val muRPCServiceClient: Resource[IO, Greeter[IO]] =


Further reading

For more details, here you can check a full explanation and an example about securing communications.