Mu-Scala modules and artifacts

Mu is divided into multiple artifacts, grouped by scope:

  • Server: specifically for RPC servers
  • Client: specifically for RPC clients
  • Server/Client: used from other artifacts for both Server and Client.
  • Test: useful to test Mu applications.

All of these artifacts are published for both Scala 2.13 and 3.x, except where noted below.

RPC Client/Server

Artifact Name Scope Mandatory Description
mu-rpc-service Server/Client Yes Mandatory to build gRPC services and clients.
mu-rpc-fs2 Server/Client Yes Mandatory to define streaming operations with FS2 Streams.
mu-rpc-server Server Yes Needed to attach RPC Services and spin-up an RPC Server.
mu-rpc-client-netty Client Yes* Netty transport layer for the client. Mandatory if you need SSL/TLS support.
mu-rpc-client-okhttp Client Yes* OkHttp transport layer for the client. An alternative to Netty.
mu-rpc-netty-ssl Server/Client No Adds the io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:jar dependency, aligned with the Netty version (if that’s the case) used in the mu-rpc build. See this section for more information. By adding this you wouldn’t need to figure the right version, mu-rpc gives you the right one.
  • Yes*: on the client-side, you must choose either Netty or OkHttp as the transport layer.


Artifact Name Scope Mandatory Description
mu-rpc-prometheus Server/Client No Interceptors which can be used to monitor gRPC services using Prometheus.
mu-rpc-dropwizard Server/Client No Interceptors which can be used to monitor gRPC services using Dropwizard metrics.


Artifact Name Scope Mandatory Description
mu-config Server/Client No Provides configuration helpers using pureconfig to load the application configuration values. Only available for Scala 2.13 because there is no Scala 3 build of pureconfig yet.
mu-rpc-testing Test No Utilities to test out Mu applications. It provides the grpc-testing library as the transitive dependency.
mu-rpc-client-cache Client No Provides an algebra for caching RPC clients.


You can install any of these dependencies in your build as follows:

// required for a protocol definition:
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-service" % "0.31.1"

// required for a protocol definition with streaming operations:
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-fs2" % "0.31.1"

// required for the RPC server
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-server" % "0.31.1"

// required for the use of generated RPC clients, using either Netty or OkHttp as transport layer:
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-client-netty" % "0.31.1"
// or:
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-client-okhttp" % "0.31.1"

// optional - for easy RPC server/client configuration.
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-config" % "0.31.1"

// optional - for RPC server/client metrics reporting, using Prometheus.
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-prometheus" % "0.31.1"

// optional - for RPC server/client metrics reporting, using Dropwizard.
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-dropwizard" % "0.31.1"

// optional - for communication between RPC server and client using SSL/TLS.
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-netty-ssl" % "0.31.1"

// optional - to add caching support to RPC clients.
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-client-cache" % "0.31.1"

// optional - for testing RPC services
libraryDependencies += "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-testing" % "0.31.1" % Test

sbt plugin

To generate Scala code from IDL files (.proto, .avdl, etc.), you will need the sbt-mu-srcgen plugin:

addSbtPlugin("io.higherkindness" %% "sbt-mu-srcgen" % "0.31.1")