Source generation reference

This is a reference page for the sbt-mu-srcgen sbt plugin, which generates Scala source code from Avro/Protobuf IDL files.


The sbt task used to perform source generation depends on your IDL type:

  • For Avro, use the sbt-mu-srcgen plugin’s muSrcGen task
  • For Protobuf, use the sbt-protoc plugin’s protocGenerate task (sbt-mu-srcgen automatically adds the sbt-protoc plugin to your project)

Alternatively you can just run the compile task, and the appropriate source generation task will be executed before compilation.


This section explains each of the sbt plugin’s settings. As a reminder, this plugin needs to be manually enabled for any module for which you want to generate code; you can do that by adding the following to your build.sbt:



The most important sbt setting is muSrcGenIdlType, which tells the plugin what kind of IDL files (Avro/Protobuf) to look for.

muSrcGenIdlType := IdlType.Proto // or IdlType.Avro


Another important setting is muSrcGenSerializationType, which specifies how messages should be encoded on the wire. This should match the format you chose for the muSrcGenIdlType setting:

  • For Protobuf, there is no need to configure this setting, as there is only one possible serialization type
  • For Avro, choose either SerializationType.Avro or SerializationType.AvroWithSchema.
    • If you choose Avro, it means your client and server must always use exactly the same version of the schema.
    • If you choose AvroWithSchema, the writer schema will be included in every message sent, which introduces a bandwidth overhead but allows schema evolution. In other words, the server and client can use different versions of a schema, as long as they are compatible with each other. See the schema evolution section for more details on schema evolution.
muSrcGenSerializationType := SerializationType.Protobuf // or SerializationType.Avro or SerializationType.AvroWithSchema

Other basic settings

Setting Description Default value
muSrcGenSourceDirs The list of directories where your IDL files can be found.

Note: all the directories configured as sources will be distributed in the resulting jar artifact preserving the same folder structure as in the source.
Compile / resourceDirectory, typically src/main/resources/
muSrcGenIdlTargetDir The directory where all discovered IDL files will be copied in preparation for Scala code generation. The plugin will automatically copy the following to the target directory:
* All the IDL files and directories in the directory specified by muSrcGenSourceDirs
* All the IDL files extracted from the JAR files or sbt modules specified by muSrcGenJarNames (see the “Advanced settings” section below)
Compile / resourceManaged, typically target/scala-2.13/resource_managed/main
muSrcGenTargetDir The directory where the muSrcGen task will write the generated files. The files will be placed in subdirectories based on the namespaces declared in the IDL files. Compile / sourceManaged, typically target/scala-2.13/src_managed/main/

Note: The directories referenced in muSrcGenSourceDirs must exist. Target directories will be created upon generation.

Advanced settings

Setting Description Default value
muSrcGenJarNames A list of JAR file or sbt module names where extra IDL files can be found. See the muSrcGenJarNames section section below for more details. Nil
muSrcGenIdlExtension The extension of IDL files to extract from JAR files or sbt modules. * avdl if muSrcGenIdlType is avro
* proto if muSrcGenIdlType is Proto
muSrcGenCompressionType The compression type that will be used by generated RPC services. Set to for Gzip compression.
muSrcGenIdiomaticEndpoints Flag indicating if idiomatic gRPC endpoints should be used. If true, the service operations will be prefixed by the namespace. true
muSrcGenProtocVersion Specifies the protoc version that ScalaPB should use when generating source files from proto files. None (let ScalaPB choose the protoc version)
muSrcGenValidateProto Flag indicating if the plugin should generate validation methods based on rules and constraints defined in the specs. Only proto is supported at this moment. false


You can use IDL files packaged into artifacts within your classpath, e.g. JAR files added to the classpath via libraryDependencies, or other sbt modules.

muSrcGenJarNames can be very useful when you want to distribute your IDL files without binary code (to prevent binary conflicts in clients).

The following example shows how to set up a dependency with another artifact or sbt module containing the IDL definitions (foo-domain):

      muSrcGenIdlType := IdlType.Avro,
      muSrcGenSerializationType := SerializationType.AvroWithSchema,
      muSrcGenJarNames := Seq("foo-domain"),
      muSrcGenTargetDir := (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "compiled_avro",
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-service" % V.muRPC


The sbt-mu-srcgen supports the plugin scalapb-validate. This plugin generates validators for your models, using the base validators defined by the PGV protoc plugin

As you probably guessed, this is only compatible with proto and the setting will be ignored when working with Avro files.

To enable the validation methods generation, you need to set the setting muSrcGenValidateProto to true and import the PVG validators provided transitively by the scalapb-validate-core protobuf library:

      muSrcGenIdlType := IdlType.Proto,
      muSrcGenTargetDir := (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "compiled_proto",
      muSrcGenValidateProto := true,
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-validate-core" % scalapb.validate.compiler.BuildInfo.version % "protobuf",
        "io.higherkindness" %% "mu-rpc-service" % V.muRPC

Implementation Notes: An Intentional Incompatibility with the Avro Standard

In order to make it easier for users to evolve their schemas over time, sbt-mu-srcgen intentionally deviates from the Avro standard in one key way: it restricts RPC return types to record types (string sendUser(UserWithCountry user) is not permitted) as well as restricting the arguments of RPC messages to none or to a single record type (SendUserResponse sendUser(UserWithCountry user, RequestId id) is not permitted).

If you attempt to write an Avro schema using primitive types instead of records (for example, something like this):

protocol UserV1 {
  string sendUser(string user);

the source generation command (i.e. muSrcGen) will fail with an error message explaining why the protocol was rejected. For example, the above schema would trigger the following message:

[error] (avro-protocol / Compile / muSrcGen) One or more IDL files are invalid. Error details:
[error]  /path/to/the/invalid/file.avdl has the following errors: RPC method request parameter 'user' has non-record request type 'STRING', RPC method response parameter has non-record response type 'STRING'

Additional Context

To understand this potential issue with schema evolution, consider the following example,

record SearchRequest {
  string query;

SearchResponse search(SearchRequest request);

This schema can be evolved to add optional fields (e.g. ordering, filters, …) to the request. All the user has to do is just change the single record.

The following API design, on the other hand, can’t be evolved because changing the query argument from a string to any other datatype would introduce backward incompatibility.

SearchResponse search(string query);

For this reason, we enforce that all requests and responses must be records.

The reason for disallowing multiple request arguments, on the other hand, is that the gRPC spec does not support it. There is no obvious way to map multiple arguments in the Avro RPC definition to a single gRPC request.